Sunday, June 24, 2007

Video: Turkish Children Circumcised by Butchers

I don't normally post things of this nature, but this video shocked me so much that I decided to publish it anyway. Here is the caption:
50 Turkish children from poor families were circumcised in a butchers in Geyve, north western Turkey on Monday, an event organised and paid for by Geyve Municipality. The children were lain down on a bench in the butcher's and circumcised one by one.
If you doubt the butcher claim, have a look at the surroundings: it's a market and the signs and writings in the video prove it.

I must warn you, this video is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC and contains mature content. If you feel you may be offended by barbaric violence, some nudity, and other reprehensible content, please DO NOT watch.

Please leave your reactions in the comments area.


Greg said...

In my opinion, it is the right of the parents to do this or not do this. It IS a requirement of the Muslim faith, so they are conforming to that and I respect that. I would prefer this procedure to be done by a MEDICAL DOCTOR, in a surgical center, under ANAESTHESIA and not by meat butchers, but uh....

It is not a lot different than rabbis performing this operation. What is striking is the AGE of the children. I always thought circumcision was done primarily to infants.

I don't like it, but I am not going to condemn it.

Rhyne said...

As you pointed out, there is a vast difference between performing this procedure on infants and on grown children by butches in a state-sponsored circumcision fest.

Anonymous said...

Thats very disgusting, don't get me wrong its none of my business what the parents of those children decide but they should have done it in a DOCTORS OFFICE, under medical supervision! Instead they have it done by some butcher? WOW!

They might as well have waited another 10 years to this. Like you both said they should have done it while their children were infants.

Anonymous said...

I would argue that it is a violation of a child's right to circumcise him without his consent, which is why I think babies should not be circumcised either. I have read many stories of boys who grow up to resent the fact that they were circumcised and seek medical procedures to re-grow their foreskin. So, in my opinion, only an adult male should be able to make a personal decision on getting circumcised.

Anonymous said...

All circumcision is disgusting-
whether it be a baby circumcised in USA or a boy circumcised in Turkey.
It's hurting and disfiguring children. It's vivisection, it's torture.
Disgusting people.

Anonymous said...

Re: Comments.

Circumcision is never justifiable. I would not tolerate any faith that required me to mutilate my children.

No anesthesia is adequate. Do your research. Circumcision performed my doctors or mohels are just as barbaric is those performed by butchers. There is no "vast difference".

It's everybody's business what these "parents" decide for their children. This is not a choice for the parents to make, any more than it would be a choice for parents to circumcise their daughters. It's a human rights issue- it's everybody's business. If you don't agree, you need to do more research.

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting. Circumcision is a barbaric practice. And NO it is NOT the right of the parents, you idiots. It is the right of the individual ONLY. NO ONE should be mutilated and tortured like this without their consent.

And anyone who believes differently is WRONG.

Anonymous said...

The only reason circumcision is done routinely on INFANTS is because they are easier to strap down, and they can't scream NO, STOP, YOU'RE KILLING ME!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have three children: Two are atheists, one agnostic. I'm sure glad I didn't circumcise them (in the name of religion).


Anonymous said...

Circumscision is not performed in Armenia. Nor has it been performed by Armenians! Reason why some Armenians are cut is becasue during the Genoicde Armenians were cut a s a mean of torture and leter on they did it to their kids, and has spread like that.

Rhyne said...

No, lots of Armenians in the United States are actually considering the act, even though no one in their families did it before.

It's a disturbing "trend" if you will.

Anonymous said...

i think that you are a disgrace the film is completly clear everything had been new and steralised and to say things as barbaric and other words shows how much you know all the children were perfectly well and at least the place was clean they were perfectly trained doctors and not butchers this site is very misleading