Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We're Pirates, Ape!

Once in a while we hear about Armenians and their involvement in shady endeavors, no doubt obvious propaganda by the Turkish government. Surely we are incapable of fraud, crime, and dishonesty in general! Other times, we realize it's all too true.
[Software] Piracy was most prevalent in Armenia, Bangladesh and Azerbaijan, where more than 90 percent of PCs had unlicensed software.

Software piracy not only hurts software developers, it also harms local resellers, reduces government tax revenues and increases the risk of computer security problems and crime...
Weighed against the fact that it's free? I think this is one time we are agreed with our evil neighbors to the East.

Source: Orlando Business Journal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Piracy in Armenia does not hurt local software producers so much. The only side it hurts are American companies like Microsoft. And paying $300 for Vista when average salary is $500 is nonsense. So piracy in Armenia makes sense and can be encouraged.