Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bored Armenian Creates "Baby Yoga"

What do you give to the child that has everything? Baby yoga classes, of course!
Itsy Bitsy Yoga is the brainchild of Helen Garabedian, who was born near Boston, has lived in Philadelphia and Fort Lauderdale, and now resides in Sudbury, Mass...

"It really does help the kids with sleeping, and helps parents with bonding," she says. "It helps you just feel better as a parent, to be able to be present as a parent, teaching you techniques that calm and comfort the child. And the environment is kind of special. It's a great time for like-minded parents to come together and get to know one another."
I feel sorry for these parents who need to rely on baby yoga to bond or otherwise put their kids to sleep. Sounds to me like a lazy way out, really.

Source: OC Register


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! I can't stop laughing at the title!!!! "Bored Armenian creates Baby Yoga"..ahhhh HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA..ok ok...hahahhahahahahhahhahaha

Anonymous said...

Me again..I brought more ppl to read the title.. their laughing too.. lol.. You should hear it being said in Armenian "Barap Hayer eli"...

But at least we're doing something...good for us!!!