Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Path to Democracy: Dragunov Sniper Rifle

First let's identify the photo: it shows an Armenian Special Forces soldier with a Russian-designed Dragunov sniper rifle, a fearsome semi-automatic weapon that is effective to a range of one kilometers. Think about that for a second, which coincidentally is also the length of time it will take the bullet to get to its farthest target.

What does this have anything to do with Armenia? Besides a glimpse into one of the weapons used by our countrymen, quite a bit. You see, when a given government grows too powerful and too corrupt, it begins to act in a way which is not in harmony with the will of the people and it can get away with that because of its power and the fear that it inspires in people. But what if the government was to be held accountable for its actions, afraid of the very people who created it and who continue to support it, at least for as long as they choose? What if everyone had a Dragunov sniper rifle and the knowledge that anyone in power caught abusing it would be destroyed without questions asked?

Of course, this is all metaphor. Until such power is exercised by the people Armenian, we will continue to see a government acting in its own interest only.

Then again, maybe it's not a metaphor at all; after all, revolutionaries need to be well armed!

Source: mil.am


Anonymous said...

lol my fellow blogger. sorry to say but this pic you found here was just millitary pratice by the Artsakhi/Armenian armed forces forces not long ago. At them moment we are in a critical situation adn we do need to be protected. we don't have friendly neighbors. remember that. ;))

Rhyne said...

Buddy, I think you missed the point of my post...

Anonymous said...

Cheers, this pic will be great for reference to size ratios ^___________^