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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Armenian Hummers...Powered by Natural Gas!

I don't normally report on rumors and "he says, she says" sorts of things, but this is a funny one: at least one Armenian Hummer owner has converted his car to natural gas, as it's cheaper than gasoline! Why is this funny? Well...

1) Hummers are expensive: an H2 Hummer costs around $50,000 in the United States, probably more in Armenia.
2) Hummer are inefficient: they burn a lot of fuel, because they're very heavy.
3) Most people hate them, as they are dangerous to others, both cars and pedestrians, and pollute much more.

Now, none of the above is entirely funny, but combine them, if you will: purchasing an expensive, big, heavy, and inefficient car, shipping it to Armenia, causing terror on the streets of Yerevan while displaying your wealth...and having to convert it to natural gas for it to be lighter on your wallet!

Okay, if that isn't entirely great - and to be honest, it isn't that funny after all - rumor also has it that the owners fill their cars up at night so no one sees! Ah, I love Armenia's many contradictions.

Source: ArmenianOdar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is not a rumour, it's true: a Hummer has been seen waiting in line at a gas station. I'd have to double check to find out what time of day (or night) it was! ;-)