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Friday, April 20, 2007

Armenian Stabbed to Death in Moscow

This is simply outrageous! Russia is supposed to be Armenias friend, yet is stands idly by while innocent minorities are slaughtered on its streets. This is despicable!
46-year-old Armenian immigrant Karen Abramian who was earlier attacked by skinheads in the Russian capita, died in the hospital.

...while stabbing him the [three] unknown young men shouted nationalistic slogans.

Two suspects have been arrested in connection with this murder.
Putin: instead of rigging elections and arresting innocents for opposing you, secure the streets of the capital for the people! How many more innocent men, women, and children have to die before Russians snap out of their Vodka-induced comas and voice their outrage?

Source: PanArmenian


Anonymous said...

The russians are jealous their girls like armenian men better

Anonymous said...

Crimes get commited by criminals and the real reason is always money. Now minorities are an easy targets for criminals, because Russia is infected with nationalism and public is mostly indifferent to those crimes.
Russians should understand that they are going to be the next victims of these criminals if they are not stopped.
It happens every time when crimes somehow become justified in public eyes and criminals become their heros.

Anonymous said...

I find the notion of Russian skinheads idiotic considering the fact that there was not a family in Russia that lost someone in WW2.

WTF is the deal with these people?