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Friday, February 16, 2007

Child Cancer Cases Increase 15% in Decade

What could be the reason for this increase? Perhaps pesticides and other chemicals in the soil and fruits? Perhaps pollution from cars and trucks? I certainly don't know.
Cancer cases in children have surged 15 percent in the last decade with about 100 new cases diagnosed every year, Haykanush Yukchian, a doctor with the Center and executive director of a non-governmental organization called Friend of Children with Cancer said.

She said the National Cancer Treatment Center treats annually 250 children and about 65 percent of these children recuperate.
How very sad. I wonder, though, if at least a part of the increase is due to better reporting and diagnosis.

Source: ArmenPress


Rhyne said...

Thanks for that, but I have to disagree with what that individual wrote. It seems he is preaching vegetarianism rather than attempting to understand the systems at work.

Gene mutation is what is responsible for cancer, not immunodeficiency, which is what that individual is referring to. There are known carcinogens, such as lead and benzene, to which a prolonged exposure would cause cancer. However, since the issue deals with children, the notion that a child could consume enough red meat to develop cancer - not to mention to see a growth in that trend - is unlikely.

Again, if there was a breakdown of cancer type, we could attempt to ascertain the sources. For example, lung cancers cannot be linked to food, for example, just as brain cancers cannot be related to smoking. My point being, there is not enough information there for anyone to assume anything, which is why I tend to leave such posts open-ended, to both receive criticism and suggestions, but to also promote self-research! :)


Mediapitek said...

I have to ask you a little something, looking at the comment I just realized, that I have published "peterfoong"'s email address - which was a very bad thing to do, so can you do me a favor and edit my first comment to delete the person's email and IP address? If it doesn't work - I think it is worth deleting my comment altogether, rather ten exposing the email address for spammers like that.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm reposting your original comment, edited:

Hi Rhyne, I'm Observer from the Armenian Blog Review. You may have noticed, that I am reposting the articles I find interesting around the Armenian Blogosphere. Anyways - I posted about your concerns over Child Cancer at - Armenian Blog Review and this is a response I received to your questions about the causes of Cancer:

Cancer is the result of the body’s breakdown immune system. The breaKdown of the immune system results in the body not being able to fight back when its supported to. The more developed and advanced a country is, the more likely the report of cancer cases. As meat becaomes more readily available in the open market at cheaper price, cancer becomes the main sickness. Cancer is seldom heard of in countries with vegetable as their main meal

I may not be able to provide all the facts pertaining to the cause of cancer, but meats is a possible factor which cannot be ignored.

Observer said...

Thanx, I appreciate it :D