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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Duduk More Popular Than Clarinet

I know you have a standing bet with your friend as to which is more popular in Armenia. You said duduk, he said clarinet. You win.
Konstantin Karapetyan confesses that nowadays duduk is more popular with the public. Alongside with the fact that it is an Armenian instrument, the key to success lies in the fact that the sound of duduk is heard in the films made in Hollywood. “Duduk has become more popular; everybody seeks to play it. Besides, it is a way of earning money. Clarinet also provides money but it is not so popular in the Armenian folk art as duduk is”, says the player.
And it is true, when you think about. A lot of Armenian music with duduk ends up in popular movies, but sometimes it is not represented as being Armenian. Not that it has to be, because John Q. Public hears the sad duduk to a scene of an African injustice and immediately feels emotional. Job done.

In all seriousness, check out the source. It talks about two brothers: one plays duduk and the other clarinet. Not too long, just the way you like it.

Source: A1+

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