Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Direct Aid from United States in 2006: $76 million

Lots of money-related stories today. Here's another!
In 2006 US direct aid to Armenia has made up $76 million, to Karabakh-$3 million, as well as observing the parity of $3.5 million for military assistance to Armenia and Azerbaijan...
What is important to note is how the aid money is used. The Millenium Challenges program, in which Armenia is currently participating, releases aid money in increments, which means that entire sums cannot be squandered by local governments, politicians, or connected companies. Accountability is most important. Do we know how that $76 million - which is not part of the aforementioned program - is spent or will be spent? We need total transparency.

Source: PanArmenian


Anonymous said...

That's easy enuf. Write to the US AID office in Yerevan, or else the US Embassy. They should be able to break it down for you!!!!!!!!!!

Rhyne said...

Why don't you find out, tell me, and I'll blog about it!

Anonymous said...

Nicely put, Rhyne!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute - you're the one who wrote the article in the first place....Finish the job!!!!!!!!

Mediapitek said...

Guys - whoever follows up on this US AID issue on - once you have the breakdown I'd be delighted for a chance to have a look... you see this is one important matter!!!

At any rate - congratulations on building this really nice blog.

PS: I guess the bloggers have a certain responsability towards the people who comment on their sites. If you see a definate interest coming from your reader on a particular topic, and you respond to it - you build a relationship, in which you ensure that the person does come back to your blog. Now in this information society we're going to - consumers of information - your clients so to say - are always right! I wish I had readers like this strange anonymous to help me identify issues of interest to him and solutions for making my content more diverse!

Rhyne said...

Anonymous & Observer: this is for you!