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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Participate! Urge Your Represenatives for 2007 Genocide Resolution!

With Congress now in the hands of Democrats, Armenians have a chance to get a Genocide resolution passed. This would mean that the United States, for the first time in its history, would acknowledge the genocide of 1915 by the Ottoman Turks.

This is what you do:
1) Find your representative: Click here to find your local representative. You will need your zip code.
2) Put in the required information. This is a must.
3) Use this prepared message, courtesy of ANCA:
I am writing to urge you to agree to join as an early cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution in the 110th Congress.

Along with Americans throughout the country, I look forward to the introduction of this legislation, which I understand will be the same as H.Res.316 in the last Congress. This human rights legislation honors the 1.5 million Armenians who were massacred by the Ottoman Turkish government starting in 1915 and recognizes the United States’ noble efforts to stop the genocide. It was cosponsored by 160 Representatives and was overwhelmingly approved by the House International Relations Committee.

To indicate that you would like to join as an early cosponsor, please contact Tim Bergreen in Rep. Schiff's office or Chris Herndon in Rep. Radanovich's office. To learn more, please contact the Armenian National Committee of America at (202) 775-1918.

Please accept my appreciation for your consideration of this morally compelling initiative to finally bring an end to the shameful denial of the Armenian Genocide - a crime against all humanity.


Your Name Here
That's it! It takes a minute, but a minute well spent. Turkey is launching a counter-campaign to this, so let's show them that we are more powerful and more determined with real facts than they can ever be with false ones. Besides, you can't do much else in a minute. Do what is important, do this NOW!


Anonymous said...

"Democrats in control of the House..." Ok, so its the Republican's fault that the US has not recognized the Genocide. It has nothing to do with these facts:

a)Hilary's roommate in college and one of her 'best' friends was a Turk

b)Turks gave millions of money to Clinton's election campaigns

c)The US has military bases in Turkey

But no, its all the evil Republicans fault. I guess that's why so many prominent Armenian politicians like Dukmejian and Hatayian are Republican. ABOUSH!

Anonymous said...

Ummm ok psycho you dont have to attack the journalist. Obvioulsy they are just reporting facts, and maybe if you werent so apush (by the way that is how it is spelled not "abush"), you would know that. Plus if you actually read this blog, aside from this one article you would know that Mr. Bushy Mc'bush was trying to get a genocide denier, Richard Hoagland, to be the next U.S. ambassador to Armenia, Why? You ask, because he had fired the one before for publicialy chose to acknowledge the Armenian genocide. Here! you can educate yourself for a change...

By the way Hilary and Bill Clinton are not the whole democratic party. Although they might be pro turk that does not mean the rest of the democratic party is. Sorry to disapoint you but the democrats are not going to base their decisions on who Hilary clintons roomate in college was. Also what point were you trying to make when you stated the obvious that the US has military bases in Turkey? That fact is irrelevant to this discussion, because it does not differentiate between the two parties as it related to the U.S. as a whole.

Anonymous said...

so wait a minute, you are telling me how Armenian is spelled in English? Are you kidding me? There are official English spellings of Armenian words now? Toon khentes...

Anonymous said...

That was not the subject at hand now, was it? Just admit i am right and get over it. The spelling was not in question as much as the pronunsiation was. If you pronounce it apush then you will spell it apush if you pronounce it abush you will spell it abush (which is not correct Armenian) obviously you are not a pure Armenian from Armenia, that explains why you are a republican. By the way its pronounced du xent es not "toon khentes".